The Peppermint Bliss Bouquet combines the beauty of classic roses, vibrant tulips, green hypericum, festive peppermint carnations, charming red mini carnations, and cheerful white daisies. This delightful mix creates a fresh and joyful arrangement, perfect for spreading holiday cheer or brightening any occasion.
#PeppermintBliss #FestiveFloral #HolidayBouquet #FreshAndJoyful #FloralElegance
This arrangement is a custom in-house design.
The design may vary if ordered for delivery outside of our area.
(See “Popular Service Areas” at the bottom of the page.)
NOTE: We attempt to create bouquets to look like in the picture but in certain conditions, we may need to make flower substitutions. Please be confident that we will always give our best to make your flower arrangement look gorgeous!